Good News for Medical Cannabis in Kansas
Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook has lost her chair position in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, and it’s leaving the door wide open for passing new legislation.
Join us in the fight to finally help the families all over Kansas who need medical cannabis to end their suffering.
She is bat shit crazy too! Thanks for posting this!
The thing I’m worried is, the medical use will be really limited. But a baby step is all we need. But I think CBD oil is not enough, because THC also has a pyscho-active effect which is efficient in helping PTSD (Something I am diagnosed with.) so I am very excited and am awaiting the change. Let’s get Brownback out of office he screwed our state.
Cook is a ho
You should make signs and put them around city’s on telephone poles lmao legalize
Well u were wrong…
and no update?