Cannabis Culture News LIVE: Recreational Marijuana For All
POT TV – Watch Cannabis Culture News LIVE for the latest news and views on pot politics and the marijuana community. In this episode: Recreational marijuana for all! Cannabis Culture is open for business in Toronto and Vancouver to anyone 19 years and older.
Pot TV’s Craig Ex joins us to discuss the opening of 4 CC dispensaries in Toronto and Vancouver.
CC Assistant Editor Jenna Gare join us to discuss the opening of the Davie Street CC location in Vancouver.
Also on the show: Cannabis Day update with activist Neil Magnusan.
Click here to watch PAST EPISODES of CCN LIVE.
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Jeremiah Vandermeer is editor of Cannabis Culture & Pot TV. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Johnny B you are losing weight…dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing??
CHEERS 😄😄😄😄😄
we need a Cannabis Culture up here in PG…. 🙂
I’m in love with Carley Marley
Sorry guys I am loving all the videos and what you all are doing.but I am going to have to say the new girl just is not cut out for being on camera. I am sorry and I hate saying anything about anyone. This is what I thought when I seen what she was doing. While watching the video I really got tired being drawn to her laying her head down on the table after getting too high, and all the facil smurks and open mouth for periods of time. I really hate to be so critical but when people are the center of attention. You really need to be attentive of the facial effects/smurks when on video. It just seems like she is just trying way too hard for some reason. I can only think she might be wanting to suck up to certain people in hopes for a her to land her own show. I really hate speaking up but I feel she is just not a good fit for the Youtube videos you all are making.
keep fucking with the government dummy.
Damn WTF? I’ve been getting ripped off at my dispensary. I’m going to Cannabis Culture from now on. I paid $94 for 8 grams the last time. LOL it costs $100 for 14 grams in da hood but the quality is shit.