NYS Exposed: Changes coming to recreational marijuana laws in NY?
Recreational marijuana-use is still illegal in New York State. But some lawmakers think that’s close to changing. It is legal in eight states, nationwide, plus the District of Columbia.
We spoke with several people on the streets of Monroe County, and found it difficult to find anybody to go on camera, and say they think recreational marijuana should stay illegal. Some lawmakers are confident that New York is close to joining the group of eight states where it is legalized.
“Marijuana has been around a long time. It doesn’t really cause any bad effects,” Reuben Granger of Rochester told us. “Up to a certain amount, you should be able to do what you want to do. It’s America.”
Other supporters of legalized marijuana we found admitted they had some reservations, but ultimately still thought New York should go ahead and change the law.
legalize ittttttttttttttttttt-Recreational marijuana-use- cant afford medical
I don’t know what is going on with the corrupt asses in Albany, but every time a move to legalize happens they shoot it down. I’m tired of Cuomo wavering on the issue. He rides the fence. For years he has said he is unconvinced about recreational marijuana. He just wants to appeal to as many voters as possible. He is a consummate politician and corrupt grease ball.
I don’t use my medicine recreationally, BUT I do agree that it should be legalized, because I feel like it would lower suicide rates due to stress…. I hate that they keep calling it a drug… It’s a MEDICINAL HERB. I use it for Severe and Chronic PTSD. Because the NY Medical Marijuana laws are so damn restrictive, a lot of sufferers like myself are forced to go to the black market to purchase and use it for medicine or recreational. Either reason for use is okay.
I bet the Governor of NY smokes or even vapes Cannabis himself. I am really glad that he not only honored our vets, but other PTSD sufferers by legalizing medical marijuana for PTSD sufferers. I feel like we may be getting closer to recreational marijuana being legalized, now that possession is decriminalized. I would have been dead years ago if it wasn’t for Cannabis.
Cuomo needs to f’ing go! Guess what NY’ers you keep voting for this guy. Either get him out or live the life of pissing in cups. Time for a CHANGE in NY where you are surrounded by legal states or states that are heading there now. It will NEVER be legal in NY as long as Cuomo is there. He has made that pretty clear.
Comparing Cannabis to alcohol, saying that Cannabis, like alcohol comes with problems as well like alcohol is bullshit. You don’t die from Marijuana overdose. You just fall asleep, become super hungry.
Please legalize marijuana and make a dispensary in Utica,NY 😀 <3
I’m in Western New York and it should be legalized, for so many reasons, it helps most all illnesses, from physical to mental illnesses cures some too! Eases pain from all this as well, so tax it uncle Sam, but Legalize it! We would all benefit from it>>> a win win situation! What are they waitin’ for, even Dr’s would get paid, I for one hate cancer esp also any illnesses that hurt children! It was givin’ us from the Creator, Nature’s medicine, and as long as they don’t add any poisons to this we’ll be a healthy nation, as well as any others ~PeAcE~LoVe~NaTuRe~ Have A Great New Year! Blessin’s and Light and Love To Y’all!
It needs to be recreational here in New York and every state in the USA. Please add a dispenser in Oneida, NY so I can get it easier than having to drive far far away for it.
Sure the U.K. will be next to legalise 🙈😂😂 no fucking chance – 10 years behind America as always
medical marijuana and parole complications in court now
Why cant people bring it to a vote.
I t h o u g h t t h i s w a s a m e r i c a
Cannabis is much safer and better than alcohol by a country mile! The black peoples comments are dumb! So That politician is kinda clueless!
Just move to Mass
Just legalize it state and federally so we can move to more important issues. This pos democrats won’t legalize it because they need something to run on in 2018 and 2020. Weed is like coffee when you adjust to it you will never get stoned ever again and you will only enjoy it’s calming and pain relieving effects. The people need this, we have to stop hating each other so much. This will give us peace and prosperity and we need to restore faith in our government once again for not persecuting us for technically having it in our system when we are tested when we are just trying to get jobs and work hard. We need this to unwind an we don’t want to have to turn to alcohol or something harder just because everything else is out of our system in 72 hours or less.
Cuomo said they have to study it and it would take 3-5 years. That tells me he’s only saying it for the votes