MN Lawmakers: Legalize Pot For Recreational Use -Full News Conference
Minnesota has legalized some forms of medical marijuana. But now there’s a move to legalize it for recreational use as well. Several DFL lawmakers are proposing a law to do that. They’re also proposing a state constitutional amendment to make pot legal. Speakers include Bill authors Rep. Jason Metsa (DFL – Virginia) and Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL – Rochester) .
The bill is opposed by at least one key Republican— the GOP controls the legislature — and Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton opposes it.
If the legislature passes the constitutional amendment, it will go directly to the voters with or without Dayton’s signature.
Applebaum says realizes the bill isn’t likely to pass this session, but says it is a conversation starter about something that eventually has to change.
They just want to find out how to ticket you for driving on pot method to replace the large amount of profit and control the police will lose over the populace.
I say we jail the Pharma manufacturers who promote life extinguishing opioid drugs
With the migrant situation becoming a problem, I see where their will be skirmishes, even bloody, to resist Islam being forced on Americans.
I’m not thinking about moving to Minnesota, but if I was I would.
who’s the jackass that tries to Jeb Bush them by asking if they have ever spoked marijuana
hooray for MN, way to go. I wish the rest of the country would smarten up.
Its already available in every state no matter what its legal status is. Legalization will make the product itself and its trade much safer for everyone.
cannabis is the safest buzz on earth
yes we need it legalized
why is our legislature and governor decades behind the people on this one topic?!
this is kind of a no brainer. the amount of money for greedy government to score. a score for smokers. a score for medical use.
Or just keep illegal so the state can make money jailing people. ummm do jails make money?
let’s kill the synthetic marijuana market in mn!
The bill, from what I gather, is very restrictive on personal growing compared to other states-.
Why is MN not standing up to be a progressive leader, rather than continuing to be a cowardly follower? The medical bill is one of the worst in the country! Upon first inspection, the recreational bill seems just as pussy-footed.
Kechari is a uselss contributor to this world. This is a great video….what a waste of time you are to this world you pussy
Legalize it already. Mark Dayton can fuck himself, he’s consistently a traitor to the will of the people.
Legalize mn, focus on meth heroin and synthetic drugs and higher felony crimes
Legalization will stop the cartels from stealing American money. The broke America.
Everyone in the world has tried cannabis in life, some people use it for medical health, majority of citizen’s might not use it and the other half may like but it could be treated like a liquior store you show up to the liquior store if you wanna get drunk but I am forsure drug trades would go down.
Pls god legalize it, it saves lives snd its safe, keeping it illegal only makes people want it more.
These are the folks representing the marijuana campaign? Well we’re fucked.
lets be honest Minnesota, if we don’t legalize it we will never ever get vacationers. the amount of money our state would receive would be insane. we could build ten of those stupid looking stadiums. the only people against this are old white people who grew up hearing “marijuana kills” . still to this day not 1 death has been cause by cannabis
Honestly…I’m a medical patient, and the medical marijuana is nothing short of highway robbery by a govt sanctioned Corp that charge me $500+ a month for their medicine, but to make my own I estimate it to be $150 a month. Time needs to change, we need compassionate Care for our fellow man. We need to inform people about it and promote it’s legalization. I don’t care if I make minimum wage, their is nothing I want more than to bring medicine to MN sick, and responsible recreational users.
I would like to say in marajuanas defense that when i had majorly damaged my eye and i tried everything to fix it orange juice visine nothing worked 30 days passed finally i decided to smoke some weed a friend had my eye turned from red to white within 24 hours.