Understand Marijuana Laws in 6 Minutes
What does legalized weed mean? We explain marijuana legalization so you understand the basics of different state laws and what changed after the 2016 election.
This video is also an overview of the state laws legalizing medical or recreational weed/pot and what Trump might do regarding legalization once he’s President. Be warned that this is a basic overview, not legal advice, and doesn’t get into too many specifics of individual states like Colorado or California.
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“Marijuana Legalized for Fun in 4 More States and Medicine in 4 Others,” Governing, (11/09/16)
Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole, “Guidance Regarding Marijuana Enforcement,” Department of Justice, (08/29/2013)
“Big Weed,” Planet Money, (02/06/15)
“Confronting Wave of Illicit Marijuana Cultivation, Federal, State and Local Authorities Discover and Destroy Major Marijuana Grows in Locations Across Colorado,” U.S. Attorney’s Office: District of Colorado, (10/08/15)
Marc Zilversmit, “Obama’s Medical Marijuana Prosecutions Probably Aren’t Legal,” Slate, (04/28/16)
James Higdon, “Jeff Sessions’ Coming War on Legal Marijuana,” Politico, (12/05/16)
Katy Steinmetz, “7 Reasons President Trump is Unlikely to Fight Legal Marijuana,” Time, (12/08/16)
Deborah Bach, “Study Shows Teens and Adults Hazy on Washington Marijuana Laws,” UWToday, (03/09/15)
“Drug-Impaired Driving Laws,” Governors’ Highway Safety Association, (December 2016)
“State Medical Marijuana Laws,” National Conference on State Legislatures, (11/09/16)
“State Laws,” National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, (12/10/16)
Very good explanation. With the passing of Prop 64 people who have doctor’s recommendations for marijuana in California are still permitted to smoke the drug in most places where smoking is allowed. Recreational users are limited to growing six plants at a time, while medical marijuana patients are allowed to cultivate up to 100 square feet of pot plants.
Trumps appointment and the swearing in of AG Jeff Sessions says it all. Actions speak louder than words. Trump has abandoned the many sick people that need this medicine. That is not putting America first but rather regressing back to they way it was and throeing good people in jail unless you beleive Jeffg Sessions quote”good people do not use marijuana”!
*Marijuana laws are used to create slaves for the prison plantations.*
There is a 100% correlation between high populations of black people and harsh pot laws.
There is a 100% correlation between states with populations free to indulge in cannabis and high Caucasian populations.
Although most of Americans deny it, *there is a 100% chance that America remains a bastion of white racism.*
Yep 100% confirmed Trump and Jeff sessions plan on building more private prisons and starting the war on recreational use of marijuana if he keeps this up he will only be a 1term president
Hey friends, got a light for an old Leprechaun’s bong?
Digging your channel, nice work! Helping with my FYLS studies. Just subbed. Check us out when you get a chance.
why is your name animate educate when there is literally no animation.
why don’t you speak on the 5000 things that this can do for the economy, like construction for one?
its called kush..
Its called Cannabis..
The thumbnail for this vide shows it’s 6:01
Good video man
the state of Michigan should have passed a bill to legalize recreational marijuana in 2016 but Governor Rick Snyder kept it off the ballot even though Michigan legalize submitted 350 some thousand signatures 100000 more than required Rick Snyder did not allow the issue to go before the people so that the people could decide Rick Snyder you are a piece of s***
Ga will never get passed legislation 🙁
Ga will be the biggest out of Cali if it does, that’s the sad part. But I want to work and do both, I can rather move, but can’t easily move a business.
Calling it Marijuana doesn’t help either…it was the name Harry J. Anslinger coined for it. He wanted people to associate Cannabis with Mexicans (whom a lot of people at that time were scared of) by using a foreign-sounding word (also, back then it was spelt with an “h” and not a “j” like today). He always used that word when talking to congressmen about it, who then used that word when speaking to the general public. He also supplied racist fake stories to news outlets. Examples:
“Colored students at the Univ. of Minn. partying with (white) female students, smoking [marijuana] and getting their sympathy with stories of racial persecution. Result: pregnancy.”
“Two Negros took a girl fourteen years old and kept her for two days under the influence of hemp. Upon recovery, she was found to be suffering from syphilis.”
He never called it Cannabis. Why? Because that’s what the medical industry called it, and (had they realised that Marijuana = Cannabis) they would immediately have pointed out that what he is telling people are lies (and they have the studies and clients to prove it).
Also, Marihuana (the original spelling) is a slang word itself, so by saying you don’t want to call it weed because it’s slang, and then proceeding to call it Marijuana is not helping at all.
Just call it by its scientific name, *Cannabis* , ffs!
EDIT: I claimed that Harry passed the word in congress so that he can use it in his propaganda, which was kind of wrong. My timeline was a bit skewed. The word was codified into law and became part of common American English with the passing of his 1937 Marihuana tax act. He started attacking Cannabis in the 1930’s.
i dont even understand why its illegal people still going to do it and they might lose money if they legalize it but selling it publicly will make a lot of money too bc almost everyone would like to smoke up every once an a while or every day
So many kids in prison just for a small amount of weed . There lives are ruined forever . Above and beyond being cruel .
Cannabis is more correct.
Just call it cannabis you fuck, calling it weed is like calling a black guy nigger lmao.
Montana has had medical pot for quite a few years. last election just opened up the application process and laws
Fucking comments here is why it’s still illegal
everyone?just move to the WESTSIIIIIIDE
Call it cannabis
Make a video about the medical benefits of cannabis outweighs everything u were taught about it…
Don’t believe anyone who tells you that Delaware legalized medical marijuana. On paper — yeah, I suppose they did…but, in practice, they really didn’t. While the wording of the law and cannabis-recommendation-approved illnesses seems fairly legitimate, to find a doctor who WILL give that cannabis-recommendation — even for those with supposedly “approved” conditions — is near-impossible. Insomnia, depression, glaucoma, arthritis, even AMPUTATION will absolutely NOT be met with a cannabis-recommendation in the state of Delaware.
I’ve only ever heard of ONE person who received a physician’s recommendation for cannabis (and received approval on her state application, which has a $125 non-refundable application fee, and gives the state the right to reject your doctor’s recommendation if the bureaucrats reviewing your paperwork think they know better than your doctor), and she had stage 4 bone cancer, and ended up dying without being able to use her cannabis card because the state didn’t bother opening a dispensary until FOUR YEARS AFTER the medical marijuana law passed, and anyone in a condition that would get cannabis approval in this state is in no shape to grow their own. Instead, they had her taking approximately 350 mgs of OxyContin on a daily basis…and, it really wasn’t providing much relief at all. Maybe the cannabis wouldn’t have helped her very much either, but she CERTAINLY should have been able to find out.
Delaware’s medical marijuana law may as well be treated as non-existent. That’s how the doctors and the government treat it.
It’s cannabis. Marijuana is a name given to it like a Mexican slang word.
excellent vid! some people (like me) follow the MJ legalization worldwide, and the US is a particularly hard country to keep tabs on. this vid finally gave me an easy way to explain the US situation while discussing the matter on my home country.
Cannabis Marijuana same shit, y’all need to quit your bitchin it’s like saying call water H20 not water…. killing my high
Great video no b.s no stupid music just good info good job alot of Youtube channels could learn from this
Laws change everyday, the day you uploaded this, the laws changed.
Should be legal in Oklahoma, but nobody likes anything in oklahoma..
Did he said injection marijuana?
Why are you calling it marijuana again? The slang word for cannabis is “weed”. The scientific name for cannabis is “cannabis”. Marijuana meant “bad drugs” in Spanish and was used to target Spanish immigrants. Marijuana was used as a race separating word
He keeps saying nuvawduh because he can’t say Nevada.
these laws mean crap to me i smoke anyways even walking down the street and aint nobody saying shit to me fuck your taxes bitch ass motherfucker
longest/most informative 6 min. of my life
Bruh it shouldn’t matter. it’s a fucking plant. Why is it schedule 1? Weed makes you chill and wanna hug somebody. Cmon bruh
don’t get caught kids
Nice and informative video. But what’s with the terrible chalkboard sketches and the monotone descriptions?
come too ny state and they will fuck you in you’re ass when it comes to cannabis If you smoke cannabis in New York they think you’re a herion addict so New York links marijuana with heroin….it’s a complete fuckin joke.
check out my videos i am a marijuana enthusiast who posts videos regularly
I like the word pot or bud
Amazing but it’s cannabis not marijuana
I want it legal in Virginia
ill ive heard is its retarded
it still hipocrecy at its finest
Please watch:
Thank you for your great work!!!
Very informative. I wish it would be legalized in my state by the time I turn 21 next year, but that’s probably not going to happen.
keep at 420 likes
420 likes ??? coincidence ???
I almost accidentally ruined the “420 likes” thing
and there I have what???????
Ohio needs to legalize recreational now
Kids are gonna get high regardless of the laws. This whole regulation and id system shit is retarded. Just let people do what they want. We only get 70-80 max years on this earth.
Bruh smoke on from the Boston area 🍁☁
Lol the expiration date month and day was my birthday
maybe the title should contain a country name? Because there is no universal law for the whole world, or the english-speaking world in this case.
the video is 1 second over six minutes 😂
30 states, pretty good start👍🏾
When the state finally stops prohibiting you from putting a substance into your body but then it taxes the substance to discourage use
cannibis not marijuana
why does no one pronounce nevada right
Understand Marijuana Laws in 3 Seconds: Theyre bullshit.
iowa state law: your fucked
theres no point anyone can get their hands on weed
Marijuana is a slang term. Please call it Cannabis.
Cannabis cures cancer. Big Pharma does not want us to know that the same
stuff in the plant that gets you high (THC) is a molecular dead ringer
for Anadamide, which we naturally make everyday of our lives, and among
other important life preserving functions, tells ANY CELL with bad DNA
to kill itself, cancer included. That`s why it`s illegal.
its nev aa duh
oh in america might wanna put that in the title the world doesn’t revolve around america
all the pacific coast states legalized it
Wish you could do videos on each state laws in depth for regular, and commercial laws.
why does anybody even care what someone puts in there body? like if y’all wanna smoke weed. smoke it. wanna do crack. do crack idgaf. me nor the government have a right to tell you what you can and cannot put in your body.
I’m still confused as of whether or not an adult can purchase marijuana at a dispensary without a card.
we live in different planets, forget states
They must love to hear children and vets cry and suffer .. If they cared something would have been done decades ago . They are just focused on how much money they can get. When it is legalized people will just trade or give it away . No more going to stores and no more taxes. Their whole plan will be just like a joint and go up in smoke .For now they want to continue the chokehold and waste trillions more on a failed policy .
do schools where it is legal drug test students?
Can someone please tell me if you have to be 21 to buy anything in the US
This is simple, Marijuana is illegal anywhere in the United States.
It is Extremely Annoying being Persistently Diminished to the status of Cattle and Sheep by those Long Practiced in the Arts of Psychological and Cultural manipulation through the use of Force and Control, for FEEDING Monetary Conspiracies. Laws and Medicine go hand in hand, and the Frauds of History are Exposed by reading “Logistically” the Symptoms of the Common Denominators in All matters of Controversy. And where Obvious Incompetence reigns Supreme against the Records AND the Evidence of supposed Professionalism(s), then it Calls for INTERVENTION against the Ignorance of Brutality and ROBBERY by the Extortionate “Process” of Hypocrites, in their Violations of Human Rights and Dignities. I think it may have been Albert Einstein who suggested that, “If you can’t Dazzle them with Brilliance, then Baffle them with Bullshit,” and America has done a GREAT Job of the latter and kept the Entire World entrenched in Fox Holes with all of its Insignificant Intelligence .. and its ancient hoards of Christian Soldiers, for a ReaLLLLL Long Time now. There is no dividing line between Tyranny and Terrorism, and Benjamin Franklin is said to have implied that, “Mankind will Ultimately Be Ruled, either by GOD ..or by Tyrants.” Has the Jury reached a Verdict ?, ..the Victims would like to Know
Read the history of Marijuana laws. How Pharmacologist James Munch, expert witness for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (pre DEA) tried the marijuana and after 2 puffs turned into a bat and flew around his office. Must have been some good stuff, eh. How it came to be called the killer drug, making you crazy just being in the same room with it. Until real murderers started getting off on insanity, then it became the ‘gateway’ drug which has no meaning or proof.
how old do you have to be to open up a dispensary in california?
so if I buy marijuana in Washington will I be able to legally bring it to California via driving
In another 20 years Meth will probably be legal too
stays in system 3 weeks. havent smoked for 2 and a half weeks. ur in trouble
The US government can make anything legal and they do if you tax them. Tax it and its legal. Anything.
Its canibus!!!
South Carolina better get its shit together 😂
weed is the greatest thing that the alien jesus ever 3d printed on the flat earth
Please. I implore you to take the time to read because I write this in earnest. This is about the war on drugs in my country.
I’m from the Philippines, and the war on drugs here in my country has reached levels of destruction that could easily qualify for what could be called a national calamity. Just google it up; or maybe you’ve already heard about it in the news in your country. An excess of 10, 000 people have been killed, slaughtered, in less than a year due to intensive drug operations here by fascist police whose killings are sanctioned by our current president, Rodrigo Duterte, in line with his extremist war on drugs propaganda. If you’re caught with even just a gram of pot here, you won’t go to prison. You won’t go to rehab. You won’t go to a disciplinary tribunal. You won’t be forced to do community service. No. You’ll simply be killed right away, on the spot, the instant they get you. May you be a 14-year old kid or an old man, a high school student, a pregnant woman — it doesn’t matter in the least who you are as long as you’re defenseless. No one is safe. And you’ll get killed along with the people you’re with at the time you get seized. That could mean your family, your friends, any one of your loved ones. In fact, during some of the drug raids that have happened here, even the pregnant wife and the children of drug suspects got killed along with them (at least three specific cases of pregnant women getting killed in drug busts have been reported on the news). Worst of all, even if you’re merely a drug suspect, you’ll be killed just the same. There’s no need for evidence anymore. For all I know, in my country, the only kind of evidence there is today is planted evidence. Trials before the court don’t happen here anymore (ironies of ironies, though, when it was the president’s son, Paolo Duterte, who got involved in a drug case, the president sought for a trial, a situation where nothing really happened, he simply got absolved, long story short). There’s absolutely no due process in these state-sponsored killings. I say state-sponsored because the police here are given a sum of money, or a promotion, if they reach a certain “quota”; that is, if they get to kill an n number of people within a certain period of time, they’ll get a reward. In one of our cities, Caloocan City, within the span of just two days, and within only the confines of the said city, more than 30 people got killed, three of them were minors (one was 14, the other was 19, the other one was 20). The police who were responsible for the killings were awarded with medals in front of the press a few days after the killings happened; I’ll leave it to you to make your judgments about that.
Please. It’s time to care now. Help us in whatever way you can, even if our country is so distant from yours, even if our people are not ones you know. Be thankful that at least you live in more peaceful and just conditions. Try to think of the 19-year old university student who was tortured for weeks before he was killed, just for possessing a crumb of marijuana which he used as self-medication for his depression (hint: it wasn’t even properly determined if this was a case of planted evidence too). In your quietest hour, think of the 14-year old boy who was stabbed thirty times on the chest and thrown in a creek like a worthless piece of leftover meat for alleged involvement in drugs. Please. Listen. Think. Pray. Care. Help. Do something
so without a card in california i can smoke as long as it’s in my property?
Grow limit for medical card holders is 100 sq. feet of marijuana plants or 500 sq. feet of marijuana plants (in case the individual is caregiver to less than 5 patients). This is much higher than the 6 plant per residence limit applied on recreational marijuana users.
Clearly, then, getting a medical card is definitely a much better option, considering that a medical card can also ensure tax savings up to 14%. |
Try googling the term Online Medical Card and you’ll be surprised at the number of legit websites in the industry.
It is really delightful to see cannabis culture is witnessing such historic trend.
Texas needs help
Jesus Smoked Weed. The Popes have smoked Weed. Bill Clinton Smoked Weed. Obama Smoked Weed. George W. Bush Snorted Cocaine. Melchizedek was created before God was Created. Mormons are really big on this kind of Religious Bullshit. This is interesting Religious Bullshit. Does Melchizedek Have A Twitter Page. All Mormon Men over 18 are Melchizedek Priest so I guess they can do religious Magic. Prosperity Preachers have determined that God Loves Money. Atheist Chicks wear the Shortest Skirts.
It’s Hemp or Cannabis, not Marijuana..
the term “marijuana” is an insult.
Stop using the words pot and marijuana, cannabis is the correct word to use!!!
In Utah the state regulates the sale of alcohol. I understand the state makes alot of money from that. They can use it as an example of how to regulate canibis. After all there is money to be made that will benifit all of us.
I think all MMJ patients deserve compensation from the federal government.
I hope marijuana dosent become legal I am deathly allergic to it same with cigarettes I swell up and get sick when I smell it so no to marijuana.
Smoking WEED is a GAMBLE with OUR LAWS…The 1 to 2 Hour Effect can still get you ARRESTED for D.U.I…2 or 3 WEEKS LATER…That’s LEGAL PIRACY.