Sunrise: Is Australia about to legalise cannabis completely?

Is It Time Marijuana Is Legalised?

Polls show a majority of Australians support the legalisation of marijuana.


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48 Responses

  1. Alcohol is legal and some people abuse it but that doesn’t mean all people have an alcoholic problem so alcohol is legal because let’s face it “people that drink alcohol like the effect it gives them” recreationally.

  2. how wonderful to have marijuana legalised for recreational use! Have been waiting years for this! Please! Yes, yes, yes!

  3. about time that they are talking about it at least…one thing though CBD is an anti psychotic so if the cannabis has equal amounts of thc and cbd it would be much safer. I believe that it is linked to psychosis is because people have bread strains that are THC dominant purely to make money off it. A product of prohibition….

  4. People just smoking and getting off theirs heads 24/7 recreationally? You mean like the alcohol and pain killer users of Australia? All of which is legal.


  5. Alcohol abuse and many other worse drug addictions will go down with the legalization of this extremely beneficial, non-toxic plant known as cannabis.

  6. I say yes, please legalize cannabis because i suffer from chronic pain because i have Fibromyalgia and i would use the oil if it was legal.

  7. Ever notice that any drug that may expand consciousness(lsd cannabis mushrooms) is outlawed but any drug that dumbs you down and kills you, i.e: anti depressants, alcohol, cigarettes is perfectly fine… they want you dumb, depressed and asleep not awake, aware and asking questions.

  8. I think marijuana is more dangerous then what people think fucken what the fuck does she know think she a fucken scientists now fucken joke

  9. I have been smoking marijuana daily for 30 years, illegally getting my pot from the street dealer network…. the police cannot stop it / me and it should be legalized so I don’t suffer harm from the police for what is essentially harmless.

  10. These people are trying so hard on fight their cognitive dissonance saying that weed is still bad. Its not bad

  11. The major problem with this segment, is that none of the ladies have any expertise – it’s just opinion and it’s opinion that makes the world far more dangerous. Sure, like with any substance, it’s open to abuse. But better to bring it out in the open, tax it and put those dollars into healthcare and education to try and minimize harm.

    Alcohol is legal, tobacco is legal, caffeine is legal, yet the whole population doesn’t spend 24/7 drugged out of their brains on those substances. Of course some will and some do. But we try and mitigate that through the points I raised above.

  12. Cannabis is the CLEANEST substance YOU could ever take to enjoy yourself.
    All natural and scientifically impossible for it to harm you.
    The global corruption always holds the best of this world back.
    Australia is in the middle of a Crystal Meth epidemic it’s fkn nuts knowing Crystal Meth is as easy to get as a bag of Weed.
    One makes you the ‘Dalai Lama’ and the other makes you a ‘Schizophrenic Lunatic’.
    The Government needs to get its shit together, they’re so quick to stick their hands in our pockets but do no where near enough to rid the country of it’s true threats (above all political corruption) and it’s only getting worst.
    I once met a random person who told me about 3 meth labs surrounding a local train station, wtf man..

  13. Can we actually have some people who know about Marijuana talking about this? Instead of journalists and comedians? Literally less than 2% of all people who smoke it have a psychotic reaction and that is only because they already have a propensity towards psychosis. A reaction that could also be achieved with alcohol.

  14. Fucken dumb arse govt dicklicks. You mindless moronic idiots making a natural plant illegal.because it sedates people. Yet you allow alcohol to remain the legal scurge of society.and as a reference point I don’t use weed and I’m a drinker. I suppose you flat nutsacks would make. Lawn illegal if it made us happy.well keep up your brainless duties you. Dogs vomit because Aussies don’t give a fuck what you think now fuck off

  15. Gretel is so reasonable! I wish our politicians would listen to her.
    Cannabis needs to be fully legalised already. It’s been proven that prohibition doesn’t work. Why continue with this ridiculous situation we have when we can see from other countries (most notably the U.S) that the world doesn’t end when recreational cannabis is legal???

  16. “… tax the buggery out of it…”

    Do this and you will still have a black market… with all its attendant evils. Tax it, certainly… but no more than any other sales-goods. Treat it like any other commodity, but have an age limit for sales, as we do with alcolhol and tobacco.

    Allow legal growth for personal use, whether medicinal or recreational and this will help keep the price low and the profit-motive (which drives the black market…) minimal.

  17. Fuckin hate the media mostly the news tho they dont know shit about weed dont judge weed unless you tried it

  18. “Cannabis causes depression”, no cannabis causes you to confront your self loathing by pointing out the pain you have learnt to ignore. Psychedelics will do that… this is a good thing not a bad thing. Lady on the right has such little clue about what she is talking about.

  19. women in the black dress is either extremely ignorant or getting paid to have this opinion. what sickens me, she speaks as though its fact.

  20. How stupid is the government, legalise marijuana and the economy will boom, create thousands of jobs and stop criminal activity, it aint rocket science TRUMBLE, even a kid knows this!!

  21. By the way, i aint ever seen a stoned person be violent, alcohol on the other hand well we all know alcohol fuels violence. Unless government want the public to be violent thats a different story!!

  22. None of them seem real advocates of legalising or seem really sure of which side they’re on. My question is why are any of them on the show. They should have gotten three strong willed advocates of legalisation to get up there and have their say not these fucking muppets.

  23. In Australia we do not have freedom of thought, our internet is heavily censored. PC police & HRC under Gillian Triggs are monitoring our every word (18C ). Alcohol & Tobacco kills hundreds of thousand of people around the world each year but are legal. Cannabis harms fall between coffee & sugar. The only way anyone dies from cannabis if a bail of weed falls off the back of a truck & hits you. No reported deaths from cannabis for 2000 years. We keep it illegal handing control & regulation to the black market. Who is our government protecting, ” the children” or big pharama, tobacco & alcohol industry ? Only when Cannabis is legal in the rest of the world will our politicians bravely stand up & follow.

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