Marijuana still hot topic in Florida
Medical marijuana was approved by 71-percent of Florida voters, a clear reflection of changing attitudes towards pot. Is recreational weed next?
Medical marijuana was approved by 71-percent of Florida voters, a clear reflection of changing attitudes towards pot. Is recreational weed next?
congrats Florida !
Sheriff Grady Judd, you need to stand down. You have the right to an opinion but you being a cop doesn’t mean you know anything about science, physiology, and even democracy for thay matter. 71% of the residents you swore to protect want medical cannabis. So shut up and do your job or resign.
That’s going to help a lot of families as it should in every state.
can we get a bunch of doctors down here that are able to recommend mmj cards.
ready for the end game 🙂
That cop must get a kick out of ruining peoples lives .
I have ms and live in Florida I voted for amendment 2 now I can legally get the medicine that does work. I’m living proof don’t let them tell ya any different this is a natural plant that big pharm can’t make $$$$ on and that’s all it is.
If Trump’s shithead Attorney General pick tries to roll back all the anti marijuana laws, then Trump will make far more enemies than he already has right now.
You bet your assistance that’s the End-Game!! You’ll to find other ways to lock people up. You dinosaurs are going extinct. Legalize,regulate,and improve the end economy. I can get wasted in public at a bar but can smoke at home. LEGALIZE