Marijuana in America – Colorado Pot Rush – CNBC Documentary

Colorado made history as the first state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana for recreational use. NBC News correspondent Harry Smith tells the story behind this stunning development, which has been called one of the great social experiments of the next century.






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156 Responses

  1. Colorado made history as the first state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana for recreational use. NBC News correspondent Harry Smith tells the story behind this stunning development, which has been called one of the great social experiments of the next century.

  2. This is a very interesting video. Living in Colorado myself, I have noticed a lot more traffic (especially in denver) recently and whenever I’m up skiing I see a lot more people from out of town, and especially out of the country. I smell weed mostly everywhere, it’s just normal really. I enjoy the herb too, very nice to sit on my front porch and vape from my volcano 🙂

  3. I love how people always say, “It sends a message to little kids that marijuana is….” You old people have no idea what’s going on in your kid’s heads, especially not these days when a parent spends more time on their phone then with their family. Kids now see Marijuana differently, but it’s only because they’ve only known the negative stigmas against it. All the marijuana related problems are involving the lack of education on the drug. If we had as much info on Marijuana as we do Alcohol we would all be…”happier”.

  4. The thing is, kids should be looking at marijuana as ” now its legalize, it cant be that bad ” because IT ISNT BAD. You old fuckers cant lie anymore. The truth is out there and will keep spreading to marijuana is legal federally. The lies have to stop. 

  5. 28:20 Gerry Garner – Police Chief, Greeley:’I don’t really need more drug-related problems than I’ve already got.’
    How very honest of him… 😉

  6. So marijuana makes us stupid u foken idiot ? marijuana is a creative tool, every musician or artist knows this, that’s why its not totally legal because most people will want to create rather than making repetitive suggestions to their brains, its not legal because marijuana makes u think and open our eyes thus making us smarter because from that moment we question certain things society tell us we should or should not do and we start to think by ourselves and find freedom, that’s why its not totally legal

  7. Harry Smith u should have asked that retart who calls himself a doctor why alcohol causes so many deaths while marijuana never killed anyone. chill da fuk, LEGALIZE IT WORLDWIDE

  8. Those who are against weed are obviously on the wrong side of history. The cat is out of the bag. There is no going back now.

  9. The problem with legalization is the amount governments will tax it, look at tobacco it is taxed through the roof. 

  10. It’s amazing that I will be alive say I was a part of that movement when they legalized cannabis.

  11. You didn’t jump into it to quick, look at our country, we in New Zealand with weed outlawed have attracted unknown synthetics some 75 times stronger than real weed, and violent meth heads, people have migrated to it to stay ahead of the law. A meth head killed a man and i could see his body outside my window, don’t tell me prohibition and there by attracting meth heads to fill the gap causing violence is better, it ain’t. America has definitely gone the right way. We have the results of our law and we have gone backwards badly.

  12. Did anyone else see the Freemason symbol and Masonic lodge on the building the cop walked in don’t be blind lol I’m not a conspiracy theorist but it’s Blanton

  13. We are grower and  have in stock AK47 , Sour Diesel, Blue Dream Popcorn, Blue Dream , Berry Kush , Green Crack , Strawberry Kush , Chem Dawg Kush, Honey, Mr. Nice , Strawberry Ice, Hawaiian Haze , Purple Haze , Girl Scout Cookies , Bubble Hash , BlackBerry, Amber Glass, Bubba Kush, White Widdow, Purple Kush and much more strains  available, call or Text (316)542-1198 to have a taste of our top grade quality medical marijuana.

  14. LOL Pot has been mainstream for the last like 70 years only through the legalization will society realize that marijuana is less harmful for your body than alcohol or tobacco. Harder drugs are becoming more mainstream than pot these days like MDMA and Heroin. There is a huge increasing in heroin users in colorado because eventually people want to experience more and marijuana is too common and not “hard” or “cool” enough for these users. These people die from ODs everyday. I think the gateway theory is more apparent than ever here. I do think its a human right to be able to smoke what you want. Food for thought.

  15. “You can buy up to an ounce as a CO resident” his response” Whoa! That is a lot.” Well sir, a lot compared to what and who? Everyone has different tolerance levels, not to mention regular users vs the occasional user, also the fact that is practically impossible to overdose on Marijuana….. Its not a big thing, its just phrases like that which stick out to me because we cannot continue to scale this next to alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, sugar, and other drugs and act like they are all the same thing. No the science says different, and thankfully the world is beginning to see this.

  16. Worst pot documentary ever. Why didnt they end the filming as soon as the bald uptight dude starting trying to be all smart and degrade them. Like by saying( even by now cheech and chong have moved on and paused just enough before he continued.

  17. Funny because I had ZERO motivation, f**k I didn’t even know what motivation meant until I started using Cannabis medically & recreationally. It’s not for everyone, we’re all unique. But it saved my life.

  18. We have to consider Marshal Law. Simply revoke Colorado and Washington’s State charter. Large cities Denver, Seattle declared “open” cities. These new territories would be divided among surrounding States. Anyone seen or suspected of using marijuana would be shot on sight. Governor Jeb Bush has real solutions to what has  become a crisis in our communities. Execute them.

  19. They need to legalise weed in every country around the world I can’t believe were in 2015 and weed is still illegal and tobacco and drink isn’t , weed has no side effects except having munchies and feeling tired or being creative. It only a plant and it one of the best plants around it can be used so many things etc to make clothes , medicine or own use. Like how can people think its a drug like you don’t hear on the news a man on weed killed a person but you hear people on acholol killing people.

  20. Just legalize it and tax it.. Atleast that way the average pothead is not forced into the criminal element in order to get baked… Gateway drug?? No gateway to the criminal world that is all. And in a free democratic society, the “I don’t want you doing that because my kid might want to” doesn’t fly!!! Society should be run on logic not morality

    I encourage all smokers blazers tokers etc; use this argument the next time you hear someone blathering on bs about weed.. Far too long we have allowed others take away out freedom.. Spread it!!

  21. Man, when philly legalizes weed, imma just get my med card. Fuck that $30 a gram shit! I can get top-shelf for $20 right now.

  22. Cool doc, thanks for posting. Check ours out if you want more insight into the medical aspects of marijuana.

  23. Just imagine how much money the US could make by exporting cannabis to the rest of the world. The US has spent a lot on importing oil from the Middle East and manufactured goods from China but could easily get that money back by exporting cannabis to those nations that are too uptight to ever legalize

  24. Drug related problems exist because it’s illegal. I don’t see everyone throwing a fit because young people drink, and they do. They get a hold of it just like pot, but it’s much worse…Drugs thrive because their illegal, do more people drink because it’s legal?

  25. yo, pot is sooo guud for ur lungs, holy shit all u old farts ne ed to go bak to the fuking stne age u dont noe sht about scince and shit. fuk off

  26. Hmm, a small-town cop against marijuana legalization, wonder why that could be? Maybe because in small towns marijuana related offenses are one of the most prosecuted crimes and with the legalization of weed those “poor” cops are in danger of  having to cut back. Also his arguments are laughable “if we legalize this what will be legalized next?” Yes, surely the next logical step is to legalize crack or heroin. “We dont know about this next generation of super weed” Just because you aren’t educated on the effects of it, doesn’t mean there isn’t research on the effects.

  27. marijuana has been proven to grow brain cells, and yes i used to study stoned all the time and i got A’s just saying. As for addictive, well what isn’t addictive i mean you can get addicted to masturbating for fuck sake, what are they going to do chain your hands up?.

  28. We have a large majority of citizens that want their states to pass decriminalization I wish Florida would just do what we want and not cause any more harm on us for a natural plant that has proven benefits for our ailments and health. The problem we are having are closed small minded officials and big business pharma doing more harm than good!

  29. I live in Colorado Springs, the legal weed is very nice. I use it every night before I sleep, better than sleeping pills I have tried. It’s all natural and unlike sleeping pills I wake up feeling great and refreshed in the mornings. Don’t smoke it any other time besides bedtime. I use it as a medicine.

  30. Bongs or Bullets? Until the Feds take cannabis off the controlled substance list, I’ll keep my guns over smoking pot.

  31. man some really mean comments here for such a happy not a smoker but you can not ignore the benefits the state and the people get from this its really a good thing and the start of a new government relationship…i dunno i think its ok and should be up to the person to decide if they want it or not.

  32. I’m all for legalization, but let’s not just be flat out ignorant when you say that marijuana is not dangerous.  Anything that alters your perceptions and senses can be dangerous.  I know plenty of people who have become “addicted” in a sense that they could not stop, even when their grades were just plummeting.  They ended up failing out of college because they couldn’t even stay sober long enough to study for an exam.  Marijuana really can kill your motivation and I’ve seen plenty of examples of it.

    I don’t think pot is nearly as dangerous as alcohol.  Therefore, it’s hypocritical to have alcohol legalized over marijuana.  If you smoke a joint or even five and compare that to someone who just drank 2-6 beers, the pot smoker will drive better, function better, and not be as wild and crazy as the drunk guy.  The effects of addiction to both substances vary too, alcohol obviously being more harsh than marijuana.

    But don’t give this shit to little kids, otherwise they turn out to be huge douchebags that don’t know anything except marijuana.  I knew those kids in high school–smoke every day since they were 14 (they were fucking losers).  All they did was sell drugs, skip class, get high, and act like hardasses, but look at them now (hint: none of them made it to college and now work at gas stations).

    Moral of the story:  don’t be a tool about it.  Marijuana should not be legalized because it’s a 100% safe drug–the world is not about what is safe and what is not safe.  But that’s not to say it’s dangerous like alcohol.  And in the end, it’s really about letting people do what they want, within reasonable boundaries–and I think allowing people to smoke a joint is pretty reasonable.

  33. Many  caught leaving Colorado and Washington with cannabis are awaiting execution in surrounding States. Republicans want Colorado, Washington reclassified as States supporting terrorism.

  34. Honestly being an opiate addict i get heated when ppl talk about marijuana addiction in the same context as other drugs. the only true concern I have is making sure ppl are educated better about drugs in general so that they know not to take things beyond pot. And that old cop is so behind the times. Kids have been smoking pot that good for a long time now. where the fuck has he been? Its not like it just got this good only since legalization. And if jimmy across the street wsnts bud, he’s gonna get it regardless. He acts like keeping it illegal makes a difference when any cop damn well knows they cant even put a slight dent into the flow of drugs

  35. when someone says “it’s too early” they need to stop right there, get punched in the face and look back on the last god knows how many THOUSANDS of years which humans have used cannabis for.

  36. many conservatives are against legalizing marijuana sale, but with all the tax $ from marijuana sales from all the “hippies”, they should be all for it, right? idk i just took a fatty schloober out the double honeycomb

  37. I hope it get’s legalized nationwide in the next 10 to 20 years. Preferably sooner than that though. Legalization is better than the black market and loose gun owning crooks who kill over pot.


  39. who gives a fucc about what you do so you have kids why care idgaf about what other people I just don’t get it

  40. “marijuana” is such a bad sounding term, people should just call it “cannabis” it sounds much more acceptable

  41. “Pot tourists” are  pouring into the lovely state of Colorado now that recreational use of marijuana is legal, according to this CNBC documentary. Meanwhile, CT scans done on the developing brains of teens show permanently degraded areas after long term use, including a significant drop in IQ. That, along with the lethargy accompanying marijuana use, could yield some real problems in the state’s schools in the years to come. Educate even your youngest about the horrors of drug usage and addiction. Drugs destroy lives…it’s that simple. Care about your kids; know the facts and talk to them.With love ,Your Nana

  42. Hey guys. Here are a few sites sponsored by pro-cannabis groups in Florida. Read and spread to become more informed to help people with ailments and stress.

    Learn, share and help make a healthy difference here in Florida!

  43. CRIME is increasing in Colorado and all thanks to the stupid Marijuana. All criminals and mediocres people from other states are moving here and now Denver is not a safe place to live. Denver traffic is horrible and week by week is getting worse because more potheads continue moving here. Now we can watch more crimes and accidents on the news happening here in Denver. I went to Mcdonalds the other day with my kids and there was a young guy of 21 or 22 yrs old with a gun. As soon as he got his food, he left and got in a car with plates of Minnesota. And the other day I stopped to get gas and suddenly I noticed someone was throwing trash on the floor from inside of his car, when there was a trash can at two steps from him. When he left I noticed by his plates that he was a person from Texas. I can continue talking more in how all these potheads are affecting to all of us the natives of Colorado by all trash of people that are moving here from others states. Please we don’t want more of these potheads that are trashing what used to be a beautiful city of Denver.

  44. Heard a man say as a kid the best farmers in the world are in prison.I dare to say he was correct.Look at what cannabis growers have done with this single plant compared to industrial farming and what is has done to the crops we rely on.Cannabis is the strongest case to return to breeding instead of dna alteration.Only plant we know that can restore contaminated soil yeah we could plant a resistant hemp on any metal contaminated soil and remove it and burn it off and actual reclaim it is we so see fit.

  45. It is not the job or duty of the police to keep you safe. Just ask the supreme court of the land. It is the role and duty of the police to uphold the constitution and enforce the laws.

  46. I love how the “traditional” states who dont wanna legalize weed, has claimed that weed will make you aggresive and wanna do crimes and shit, when in this whole documentary they just show a bunch of people smoking weed and just chillin doing no crimes at all.

  47. I trust and believe in this medicine because it treated my wife of her colon cancer. A friend of mine recommended an online shop to us where we ordered some quality oil and had it delivered to us within 48 hours. She used the oil for about 4 months and surprisingly when we went for the check up the cancer was gone. I pray that this medicine gets legalized worldwide so patients can find genuine solutions to their health problems….

  48. 33:55 I think he has never passed a physics exam 😀
    I am studying physical engineering in college and smoke regularly, but sure you need some self dicipline.

  49. hello we sale high grade kush. we do express discrete high diplomatic shipment world wide. contact us asap FB hussien domingos or email hussien.domingos @ gmail.100% legit

  50. <<★Please VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS this year 2016★>>(◑_◑)
    ★★★★★ BERNIE SANDERS wants ……..
    Taxes from marijuana sales could pay for Bernie’s plans for our BEAUTIFUL FUTURE!!
    ★★★★★★★ COME ON GUYS we can do this!!!!!★★★★★★★
    (◑_◑)Legal Marijuana Sales Hit $5.4 Billion in 2015!!!(◑_◑)
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    Bernie will go down in history as one of the best Presidents of the United States!
    Visit to join the campaign!
    Join the Revolution >~~~~> It’s gonna be And if you don’t believe me
    Then Check out this guy >—>

  51. What the fuck does the dumb fucking cop think. What does he mean there isn’t a lot of information about this drug. Are you fucking retarded. I think this shit is trying to be anti weed propaganda

  52. “wheres cheech, wheres chong, by now even they have moved on” does this interviewer/documentary know anything about Tommy Chongs personal life and his contribution to the cannabis market, and its overall image ? lol…hes VERY involved has been a pro-marijuana user all his life pretty much.

  53. ok I understand that, I am not talking about everybody but the majority are coming here and doing stupid things and stealing or committing a crime to obtain money for their addiction to marihuana. The news is saying it that the crime in Denver already increased 22% more

  54. I’m all for legalizing but against the people that make it sound it’s not harmful at all. It does have it’s side effects, and hey if people want to get dumber, that’s their choice, but please stop making it sound like this is just drinking purified water.

  55. #salute from a fellow farmer and #cannabis #enthusiast.. I am tru tecknique a wu tang killah bee out Chamber 12 .. and also representing the colorado iron chamber. National touring artist I’m making waves in the hip hop community. if you watching this feed… this song is for you… peep out this Chronic blazing Colorado cannabis Anthem!!!

  56. translate for Russian people,please very interes

  57. 20+ a g. lol that’s why these shops are shutting down. Give it some time, people won’t be going to the shops

  58. We are Discreet Suppliers and we do ship through Out
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    EMAIL ADDRESS: maxsaleshouse @
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  59. The 7 most negative effects of Marijuana:
    1.incarceration, fines, probation, and court
    2. losing or not getting a job because you failed a piss test
    (like from smoking pot 2 weeks ago on a Saturday night when you were drunk), and friends don’t respect you because they associate you with being a drug addict
    (the same people who probably get drunk and often violent almost every other night…Those Good God fearing Christians),
    4.getting robbed of your hard earned money because you have to buy it from shady criminals
    5. buying and smoking pot that was grown using poisons such as pesticides
    (pot naturally absorbs toxins from soil)
    6. the paranoia you experience because of everything I have previously mentioned..
    (and all You want to do is just catch a nice buzz and be left alone to do whatever it is you like to do)
    7. Suffering from a condition that could be easily alleviated by using MJ/CBD but breaking the law if you do

  60. Brazilians still has some hope for marijuana legalization and regulamentation, our people need stop to go to jail because some herbs!

  61. In reference to our “Drug Czar’s” statement about the long term use of marijuana being shown in “some” studies to actually reduce I.Q.:
    I can only think of the tragedy of poor Carl Sagan, a life time user. Just think of what he could have accomplished. Rather than dying alone and unremarked, he might have become a world renowned scientist.

  62. I came here just to see and document for personal reasons how many lies there are about pot and it started at less than 1 minute.

  63. Can anyone notice that is only old people against it and the ones making a big deal out of it.fucking old people…

  64. weed got me to quit smoking cigarettes and drinking beer except if it’s social thing of course.. but still, haven’t bought a pack or from the liquor store since 👌

  65. When the woman said she don’t feel like a criminal because she is not doing anything wrong, a question popped in my head. Why is illegal to smoke marihuana in other states if eventually it will go thru the same process as alcohol? I mean what is illegal now will be legal tomorrow, how does the government excuses their change in laws? Just imagine the lives lost, tax dollars wasted and people imprisoned for something that “is now legal”. It’s like severely punishing your children for something you will allow them to do later anyway. We need to change our views and be more focused on what really matters to citizens and not to a bunch of idiots in power.

  66. I do not know much about weed, some say it cures, some say it damages … what makes me sick though is the greed for money, “oh, what a great business … “, and second, if you are an addict whatever that be the weed or alcohol or pain killers or burgers, it’s disgusting … any ‘fanatical’ behavior is just low …

  67. Addiction should be looked at Differently:

    Effects of Cannabis on the Adolescent Brain:

    Addictive Properties of Popular Drugs:

    The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans:

    Daniel Amen – Change Your Brain, Change Your Life:

    CBD is legal as a herbal substance in all 50 States. My personal
    favorite company is this one:

    Another solid company worth mentioning:

  68. Legalize it For medicinal & recreational use in All 50 state’s for EVERYONE 18yrs& over. Is harmless especially compared to cigarettes & alcohol !!!

  69. Donald Trump is against Legal Marijuana. Now that he is President he can have his justice Department To Arrest anyone selling Legal Marijuana in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and other Legal Recreational Marijuana States. Donald Trump wants to arrest thousand of Mexicans and Blacks for Smoking Pot and he could turn all Legal Marijuana, into Illegal Marijuana even send some white Boys to prison for smoking a Joint.

  70. maybe if Trump could be convinced, if pot is legal in every state then the Mexican cartels will run out of business in America

  71. How’bout that police chief slacker from Greely, CO not wanting to legalize pot because he “has enough problems with all the other drugs and don’t need another drug to worry about” (or words to that effect). What a chump – only assholes make assumptions – maybe, just maybe, if marijuana were legal in Greely lots of druggies may satisfy themselves with pot instead of hard drugs. C’mon Mr Police Chief, BigPharma drugs kill about 500,000 Americans a f*cking year; throw in alcohol and cigarette addictions and your killing well over a million Americans a f*cking year. And you say you don’t want to legalize pot because it may cause a problem … for YOU. Up yours, dude!
    Strong pot may cause millions of kids ODing each year, that’s true, which means they may end up with a really good night’s sleep with lots of dreams, or maybe even miss an appointment or two. Give me a break. Fire this asshole, and the dictator mayor too. The damn world is upside down for sure.
    One young man on opening day in the video said it totally right: “Colorado is the first state to legalize Freedom.” That’s exactly what it is all about, and why old people like me are angry as hell at our dysfunctional criminal on the take population enslaving globalist government. Wake up govt! Repent, motherf*ckers!
    Someone should talk to our President Trump for him to voice support for recreational and medicinal marijuana; and if Trump really wants to make America great, why the f*ck hasn’t he repealed the prohibition on f*ckin harmless HEMP. Hemp is one of the most important resources on the entire planet. The Economy would boooom like never before!!! Wake the hell up, DONALD!

  72. “There are so many unknowns about this powerful Marijuana”
    No, there really really isn’t. It is still the exact same compounds. Humans have been using it for thousands of years. If any adverse effects were possible from using Marijuana, we would have seen them a long time ago.

    And then the addiction question: You can’t get physically addicted to Cannabis.
    You can get psychologically addicted to ANYTHING.

  73. Not against Pot just Hate the Smell…, Skunk Piss isn’t for Everyone. I’ll keep my Breyer Peterson and Cavendish Virgina Luxury Flake. -Tks. ✔🍺📬☕😊

  74. Are these old white men fucking insane? Cigarettes are fucking way worse that marijuana as well as beer
    Ironically! At least marijuana has benefits unlike alcohol and cigarettes!!!!!

  75. On a serious note, alcohol has killed more people than any marijuana user, yet the drug alcohol has bee legal and taxed like any other commodity. So why did the law discriminate against the use of  marijuana, was it purely on the grounds of, a lack of research?

  76. I’m 15 and definitely smoking pot when I get older. I have SAD and hear good things about it. Can’t live with this anxiety anymore.

  77. You can bet that even though that policeman does not want weed in Greely I bet you there will be people in his town smoking it. High taxes are giving criminals a chance to make money same as duty free alcohol or tobacco. 40.32 That dude is so full of shit. I am 50 and been smoking on and off since I was 16. I am not addicted I have a doctorate in music.

  78. i don’t drink, i don’t smoke, i don’t do drugs, i don’t even drink coffee. but that’s my choice. if people want to smoke weed or whatever the fuck they wanna do, just leave them alone. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to tell others what’s good or bad for them? 🙂
    how do you decide what’s allowed and what not? as long as the fucker is smoking his joint chilling, as far as i’m concerned, he can become addicted, retarded, he may even die.. i don’t give a fuck. we are too many anyway :))))

  79. The state’s put people in jail for this then the made it legal for one reason and one reason only MONEY are they going to compensate those people for destroying their life’s and their family’s life’s by putting them in jail HELL NO there to fucking greedy.

  80. That cop said he has no problem with legalizing marijuana and he doesn’t see it as a devils weed. Still he was worried about the safety of the citizens. I couldn’t understand his view at all.. And btw, what the hell is “marijuana dependent”?? I’ve never heard about that. It’s pot, not fucking heroin for god sake 😀

  81. And Colorado is not a “stoner state”. It’s just one of the reasonable states. Also, if there’s somebody who thinks ” oh, that dealer just said it hasn’t effect on his business”, well yeah, that’s exactly what I would say when my business is going dry because of the legalization. I mean, it’s pretty obvious right?

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