Oregon versus Washington marijuana laws (Marijuana News)
This is the pilot episode of “The News Roll-Up” on The CannabiNews Network. Filmed at Perennial Holistic Wellness Center, a Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary. This episode’s panel discusses the impact of voter approved recreational use of marijuana in Colorado and Washington.
Hey CannabiNews fans, you spoke and we listened. We adjusted the length of the disclaimer at the beginning. We hope this makes for a more enjoyable viewing experience.
i love how they all puff from the same cigarrete:)
Marijuana en Europa en Undergrow. tv
Being stoned does not mean you’re impaired.
you can really tell this guy is a mockery of the system, if you never did it…. yes by all means; tell me how to live
The west coast is all the same pretty much when it comes to marijuana quality except really far down south in southern California sometimes you come across shity Mexican weed because there still close to the boarder
They still want that money so DUI arrest will triple . They always throw it under the one lie that the sheeple eat up every time . .FOR YOUR SAFETY . People have been driving and working on pot for decades . If the police claim you are high then you are guilty because they say so and all your rights go away . Nothing you can do . You guys are lucky , Its around $200 for a 1/4 ounce where I live and damn hard to find . If you can find it they are always sold out in one day .
Lynch Niggers